In den vergangenen Jahren konnte sich Andreas Moe, der als Kind noch Profi-Eishockeyspieler werden wollte, bereits als Stimme von Avicii-, John de Sohn– und Tiësto-Songs beweisen. Nun möchte er auch unter eigenem Namen die Charts erobern. Wir hatten die Möglichkeit, dem schwedischen Singer-Songwriter direkt nach seinem Support-Auftritt für Kodaline in der Arena Wien ein paar Fragen zu stellen. Er verriet uns unter anderem, wie er allgemein zu Dance-Musik steht, wovon sein erster selbst geschriebener Song handelte und was er von Casting Shows hält.

UNIMAG: Since you just got here from Zurich, you probably haven’t seen much of Vienna so far. Is it your first time here in Austria?

Andreas: Just before sound check we went for a walk for about half an hour. But yeah, it’s my first time here.

How was it to support Kodaline here at Arena and what’s your first impression of the Austrian audience?

It was amazing. I didn’t expect it to be that way because someone said to me right before I went up on stage: „Just so you know, the crowd can be a bit quiet and shy. Don’t take it personally.“ Then my manager walked up on stage with both my guitars and everyone started screaming. So I thought: „They are not quiet, they are awesome.“ (laughs) I had a really good time and I was pleasantly surprised.

A girl even shouted „Marry me“ at the end of your show.

Oh yeah! (laughs) That’s a compliment, I guess.

You’re from Stockholm. How did growing up there influence you musically?

I think Stockholm is a very good place to be for a songwriter, artist and producer. I’ve met so many great songwriters and good people there that helped me develop as an artist and to become who I am today.

I read that your dad got you into making music and when you were about 15 you played in some rock bands. In what way is being in a band different from being a solo artist?

That’s true, I’ve been playing in many bands and I still have a great band. They are coming to the show in Berlin. But the main difference between a solo act and a band like Kodaline would be that for me the creative process and the songwriting is very personal. When I write, sing or perform it’s all directed to me, and it all comes from me. I miss being in a band sometimes. I miss the vibe and the whole being in a rehearsal room and just jamming, having a good time and drinking beer. But that works for me as well. I have my friends surrounding me and amazing people to hang out with. That’s cool!

What was the first song you ever wrote and what was it about?

The first song I ever wrote (thinks about it for a while) … I can’t really remember, but one of the first songs … that’s very awkward. I had a rock band called Too Hard To Handle (laughs)

Oh wow, such a great name (laughs)

An amazing name (laughs)! One of the first songs I wrote for that band was a song called „Hardcore Girl“. The chorus was like this (starts to sing): „This girl is too hard to handle, she’s a hardcore girl. She smokes and drinks and never goes to school, she’s a hardcore girl.“ and then I had a guitar solo. Amazing, right? I hope I’m better now (laughs).

Absolutely! John Mayer is one of your biggest inspirations and you were actually already able to support him on one of his tours. How was that experience for you?

He has inspired me so much and he has been a hero to me musically. It was such an honor and it was a dream come true.

Did you get to meet and talk to him as well?

Yes, I got to meet him and I was nervous to be honest. You know, when you meet your hero you kind of want it to be exactly how you expect it to be, because you painted up this picture inside your head how they are. It was so nice because he was so humble, so cool and very kind to my band and me. That felt good. What if he would be a complete asshole? That would change everything for me. That would be a nightmare.

Andreas Moe (c) Elisabeth Voglsam

The turning point of your career came with your collaborations with Avicii, John de Sohn and Tiësto. How did that come about since your style is so different from theirs?

I’ve always been doing what I’m doing now. Ever since I was 15 or 16 I’ve been writing songs, playing the acoustic guitar and singing. So this was more of a way to get out there, to be seen. Nowadays it’s really hard to get noticed. I know so many great musicians but they don’t get the attention that they need and deserve. It’s so hard, because basically everyone is writing songs today and everyone is singing. You have to use every tool you can get and I think it was a great way to put my name on people’s radars. I work as a songwriter for other artists as well and I got a track from Avicii’s team. They wanted a melody and the lyrics. So a friend and I just wrote some ideas down, recorded it and I sang the vocals on the demo. We sent it back to the guys. Unfortunately our melody didn’t make it, but they loved my voice. So they flew me over to the U.K. to record the vocals and the rest is what it is now.

Is dance music something you’re into in general?

No, not really. To be honest, before I did „Fade Into Darkness“ for Avicii I had no idea who he was. I wasn’t interested and I’m still not into it. When I’m out in a club having a good time I love that kind of music but I never listen to it at home. I listen to Paul Simon or something like that. It has never been my world and who I am as an artist or as a songwriter. But I think the music is good. It’s dependent on how you feel and what you want to do. If I’m sitting on the train I wouldn’t put on that kind of music, but in a club I wouldn’t want to hear Jazz. I want to hear good EDM music. But maybe that’s just me.

Oh no, I don’t think it’s just you. As you said before you’re also songwriter for other artists. Some of them did pretty amazing on casting shows like The Voice. What do you think about these kinds of talent shows in general?

It’s probably going to sound a little bit weird, but you’d never find me in one of those shows because that’s simply not who I am as an artist. I never look down on people who do it because everyone’s doing it for their own reasons. It’s a good platform to reach out. So when you’re for example on Eurovision or Idol you get the attention that you need. You’re basically famous over night. Sometimes it’s a good thing but I would be scared as hell. It freaks me out to become famous like that (flips) because then you haven’t had that built-up. I think it’s so important to have groundwork where people can rely on you, where you have real fans that genuinely like your music and would show up at concerts. If you become famous over night you don’t have that. You don’t have anything to fall back on. Sometimes it works, but in most cases it doesn’t, because people are on that talent shows and then disappear. That’s one of my biggest fears – to just disappear. I want to make it happen in a real way, where people get to know me for who I am and I get to know them for who they are. I want to be real! Being on tour with Kodaline, going out and meeting people is so important. I always get out there after the show to sign flyers and stuff like that.

In that matter… how important are the numbers on Social Media to you?

Obviously they are important, but again: If the numbers aren’t built organically – if it’s not real fans – then it doesn’t matter to me. Then it’s just a number. If – let’s say – 80 % of that 2,000 Likes you have on Facebook will attend your shows that would be truly amazing. But these days people just click „Like“ whenever. For me it takes so much to press „Like“ because I’m so picky. When I press „Like“ or „Share“ on a photo or a video clip I feel a little bit proud to have done that. I want to be the first one to share a video clip with my friends „Oh look at that, how cute is this dog?“ and they would be like „I haven’t seen this one before.“ (laughs). So for me it has to be real but obviously labels and publishers only see these numbers. „Should we sign this guy or girl?“ – „I don’t know… he or she only has like 2,000 Likes on Facebook. Let’s wait.“ Then they don’t really believe in the project. If this guy or girl has amazing songs and is a true artist, then take a risk, put effort and energy into it and make it happen. Likes are important but nothing at the end of the day.

That’s a really great way to see it. What are your plans for the next few months?

I’ll be out gigging a lot, which I’m very happy to do. I’ve been buried in the studio lately and just haven’t seen sunlight (laughs). I’ll finish this tour and afterwards I’ll go on my first ever headline tour. Unfortunately we’re not coming here this time.

You should really consider coming back here soon. The crowd loved you!

Yeah? Do you think people would show up? Do you know any good places with a capacity of like 100 to 200 people?

B72 would be a great venue.

B72? I’ll definitely look it up.

What are some things you do for fun when not making music? Do you still play ice hockey once in a while?

No, I play floor ball now. I have to be in a team. I just love the whole vibe. It’s basically ice hockey but without the protection. It’s a ball and a stick and you try to score a goal. It’s also great exercise. When you’re touring you just eat crisps and drink beer (laughs).

Thank you so much for your time!

Wir haben an diesem Tag übrigens auch die Show-Headliner Kodaline zum Interview getroffen. Was sie uns erzählt haben, könnt ihr hier nachlesen!

Bilder: Elisabeth Voglsam ©

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